A51 Finance Q2 Roadmap

A51 Finance
3 min readApr 7, 2024

This is the article that looks back on what we planned to achieve in Q1 2024, how far we’ve come, and what are our plans. April marks the end of Q1 and the beginning of Q2. Here are the goals we set for Q1:

  1. Launch the $A51 token
  2. Carry out extensive research and finalize the VE tokenomics and its parameters
  3. Launch the A51 mainnet app
  4. Create a referral and rewards-boosting mechanism
  5. Develop partnerships

Launch the $A51 token

On 28 December 2023, we launched the $A51 token on Polygon and Quickswap DEX. The $PILOT token holders burned their $PILOT tokens to claim $A51 tokens.

With that, the $A51 staking and liquidity mining was also activated.

Carry out extensive research and finalize the VE tokenomics and its parameters

Q1 was about conducting thorough research on the $A51 tokenomics and finalizing a new incentive mechanism. To learn more about it, head over to: https://mirror.xyz/8thousander.eth/JrOqNwoxXLRP1jfgB2VoOYjIkwdrRNlvQBuyeE982jI

Launch the A51 mainnet app

The A51 mainnet beta app was launched on 16 March 2024. The plan was to launch on 3 chains, Arbitrum, Ethereum, and Polygon, simultaneously but due to an unfinished audit, we did a mainnet beta launch on Arbitrum only.

The launch was also accompanied by a Moon Rock Hunt. A rewards program where A51 users earn points/moon rocks by using the protocol and referring friends. It is based on several phases with points reducing per $ of liquidity with each phase. The Moon Rock Hunt ends with $A51 airdrop scheduled in Q3 2024. The points earned by users will be converted to $A51 tokens.

Learn more: https://medium.com/@a51-fi/points-referral-system-phase-1-modified-51acb6ddc5a4


Create a referral and rewards-boosting mechanism

A referral program went live with the launch of the A51 mainnet app. Through this, the A51 users can generate referral links by using A51. Users share referral links with their friends and earn points when their friends use A51.

Moreover, users can boost their rewards by adding liquidity to A51/MATIC pools.

Develop partnerships

A51 Finance partnered with Arbitrum. An AMA session with Arbitrum is scheduled for the second week of April.

Plans for Q2 2024

Following are the plans for Q2:

  1. Expand to more chains
  2. Ecosystem incentives
  3. Release FOO tokenomics
  4. Partnership with DEXes
  5. List $A51 token on more chains
  6. Unlock advanced modes
  7. List the token on a CEX

Expand to more chains

Our plan was to expand to as many L2s as possible. One week into Q2 we have expanded to Blast after Arbitrum. Other L2s that we are planning to expand to in Q2 are:

  • Scroll
  • Base
  • Optimism
  • Polygon
  • Manta
  • Polygon zkEVM
  • Immutable zkEVM
  • Linea
  • Mantle
  • zkSync
  • BNB
  • Celo
  • Gnosis
  • Mode

Ecosystem incentives

To integrate A51 on 13 chains on Merkl so our users can get ecosystem rewards in ARB, OP, UNI, etc.

Release FOO tokenomics

The extensive research on $A51 tokenomics and its parameters done in Q1 will be executed in Q2 in the form of a new incentive mechanism. To learn more about it, head over to: https://mirror.xyz/8thousander.eth/JrOqNwoxXLRP1jfgB2VoOYjIkwdrRNlvQBuyeE982jI

Partnerships with DEXs

We are in talks with a few DEXs to integrate A51 into their interfaces and the details will be revealed soon.

List $A51 token on more chains

$A51 token will be made accessible to users on Arbitrum and one more chain that is yet to be decided.

Unlock advanced modes

The advanced modes of the A51 that will be released by the end of Q2 include:

  1. Hedging strategies
  2. Exit strategies
  3. Liquidity distribution strategies

See our whitepaper to learn more: https://a51-finance.gitbook.io/a51-finance/protocol-features/advanced-modes


List on a Centralized Exchange

One of the goals for Q2 is to list the $A51 token on a centralized exchange to enhance the token accessibility. The exact date is yet to be determined.



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